Book Review "Jungle Jack's Wackiest, Wildest, and Weirdest Animals in the World" by Jack Hanna
This is a review of "Jungle Jack's Wackiest, Wildest, and Weirdest Animals in the World" by Jack Hanna from Thomas Nelson Publishers. While it is marketed as a children's book, it is really a book that all ages can enjoy and learn something new about the creatures in the book.
It has 30 different animals ranging from a blue-footed booby, to an elephant, to a puffer fish, to a naked role rat (just to name a few) and provides pictures and not only provides what they eat, where they live and their size, but interesting and not-so well known facts peppered with personal stories from his encounters with the creatures. It even includes a DVD of bloopers from his TV show "Into The Wild".
I personally loved this book, as did even my 15 year old son who was a huge Jack Hanna fan as a toddler through pre-schooler and learned of a few creatures we had never even known existed to new things to animals that we had read about before.
This book has inspired me, even though I am several years (hopefully) away from being a Grandma, to start a "Grandma Box" and to craft something of each of the 30 creatures in the book to share with a future grandchild(children).
This would make a great book to give as a gift for any animal lover on your gift-giving list or for anyone to keep on their coffee table, or for any doctors, dentist or even business lobby to keep on hand for people to flip through while they are waiting. There is only one animal per page, with usually a few photos and broken down into easy to read segments - or hold the short attention span of an easily distracted child (or adult).
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