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Monday, March 30, 2009


This is my new desk decoration for work - I call it my "happy place". I saw photos put in jars on Photojojo and it inspired this project.


Item bought from Dollar Tree:
  • Blue Star Shaped Glass Stones (to represent water from all the spring rain - we have a lot of flooding in the Spring where I live).
  • Scrapbook Stickers (I chose these because they reminded more more of things my son does and things we see - our local zoo opens in the Spring and they have train that we always would ride, my son uses his skateboard on the sidewalk, the net for when he used to go fishing with his Grandpa before he passed away, and bugs).
  • Easter Grass (to represent the grass getting greener and growing).
  • Flowers (to represent the flowers that start to grow).
COST: $4 Things I already had on hand:
  • Old candle jar.
  • Photo of my son at Air Zoo in Battlecreek, MI that I took on a field trip for his school in Spring when he was in the 8th grade.
  • Components to make "Shaun The Sheep" (made out of cotton from an asprin bottle, googly eyes that had come off of other project and scraps of black fabric) - I was going for more the look of the animals with suction cups that you stick on a car window - as a user commented on my blog, he does sort of look like pickled sheep).

I cropped the photo then put it in the jar, then put the blue star stones in the bottom, put in some pieces off the flower and Shaun the Sheep (yep, have to agree with one comment I received where he sort of does look like pickled sheep here), then added the Easter grass in the center.

To top it off, I pulled more flowers off and stuck them in the center so they stuck up outside of the jar, then put the lid on the jar. I then put the stickers on the outside of the jar to make it even more 3-D. ***UPDATE*** This was submitted as an idea at as part of a challenge on what to do with an empty jar and it was one of the three items featured.


  1. What a fun frame idea. I can imagine collecting stuff to put into it for a grandma gift.
    -Mrs. Petrie @

  2. Great idea. I'm always looking for something fun and happy for my desk!!

  3. A Scrapbook in a jar, pretty clever.

  4. OH, that is so fun! I've never thought about doing anything like that, but what a fantastic idea. Great job!
