Last Friday at around 3:00PM the sky suddenly became dark and the power went out. When I went outside the wind was so blowing fiercely it pushed me up against the car. It didn't last long, but the aftermath did for days as we were without power and there were trees down everywhere.
We later learned although no tornado was reported as touching down, the wind did get up to 90 miles an hour in some areas.

A tent was partially blown down

As were signs

Some roads were closed

On Friday, several businesses closed down and people were standing around outside. It was also hard to find an open gas station.

For the businesses that were open, such as this Wendy's, they were busy and the lines long

As I thought it would be up in a few hours, we went to the movies and saw "Chernobyl Diaries" but when I got home the power was still out so I toughed it out with drinks in a cooler and the back open but the screen door locked.
The next day went to a gas station up the road that had a Subway inside. As they had a backup generator they indicated they had been busy non-stop. The fella at Subway he got off his shift just before the storm but was called back in and was there until close and had opened that day and expected to be there until close that night.

We heard on the radio that it would not be until Wednesday midnight that we could expect the power to be restored and I ended up staying over at my ex's on the loveseat for a few days. While I am only 5'6", it was a bit short, but I could complain because above it was an air conditioner with power:). I gave Kyle his Season 2 of the "X-Files" that I had gotten for his upcoming birthday in August and we watched a few episodes while I was there.
I also couldn't complain about the motorcycle he parked in the breezeway on the wood parquet that had cost a small fortune to install (but I wanted to), especially when on Monday AEP's website indicated that it would likely be Saturday at midnight. I do have to give him credit for being on his best behavior up until the time we found out the power was back on and I got out to my car and he started complaining; it was like he just couldn't hold it in anymore.
Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe weekend.
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