This was inspired by estherwaayenberg instructable at,
but with a twist after I saw the green peeps at the store, I decided to make mine radioactive.
1 box of Green Easter Peeps
1 pkg - 11-12oz of Chocolate Chips (I used milk chocolate)
1 cup of Chow Mein Noodles
20-30 Jellybeans
1 pkg ready to use green frosting (or you could just use any frosting)
Makes 10 nests
Boil water in the bottom double boiler (or the equivalent), reduce heat and pour the chocolate chips into the top of a double boiler (or the equivalent)
Stir the chocolate until it is completely melted.
Mix in the chow mein noodles throughly.
Spoon the mixture by large spoonful onto a plate or into a cointainer to make 10 nests. (I used the topper to a commercially prepared cake turned upside down.)
This is optional, but to secure the peep and and jellybeans to the nest, I put on a little bit of green frosting.

Here they are in quarantine.

I love this!! I can just see my husband getting into this and making sure that they know that it was "radioactive!!" Thanks for linking up!!