Earth Mosaic Project Pictures
These are pictures that I took for the Earth Mosaic project that I read about via a photography newsletter I subscribe to, Photojojo.
They are collecting photos from all over the world and going put them into a mosaic; you just take pictures of things or people where you live.
They are accepting submissions from anyone all over the world, just be sure to resize your image down to 640 pixels on the longest side before you upload if you would like to be a part of this project.
The city I have now called home for more than half of my life has been classified as the dumbest and the fattest by major publications and I would have to disagree with that except if you visit the Golden Corral on Lima Rd - I swear on the few occassions I have visited there I have seen people take the all you can eat motto as a personal challenge and people that strained to put one butt cheek on each of two chairs and you still wondered if the wood would break. Their families should give them a dose of tough love and not go to these places that will tempt so. My family has not been reluctant to share with their thoughts when I have gained weight and would caution me to back away from the wall of yummy baked goods for my own good.
Downtown every year in front of Headwaters Park Pavillion, they have a different theme; in the past it has been decorated Mastodons, which were cool, giant decorated sneakers, which were annoying and this year it seems to be decorated plywood creepy kids that if you are tired and it is late at night you worried are real kids that are going to dart out into traffic in front of you.
This is the new Fort Wayne Newpapers building.
This is a shot of downtown Fort Wayne and the three tallest buildings in the city; in the far right in the background is Summit Square - in front of that is Lincoln Tower.
Off to the right is what was formely known as the Fort Wayne National Bank Building. I have worked in the last two and on the 24th floor of the latter. While the view was spectacular, it was nauseating on a windy day as you could feel the building sway when it was windy; my former boss emphasized that was a good thing because if it didn't do that, the building would topple over. Not a comforting thought. Neither was working on the 24th floor after 9-11, especially after the state as being ranked as one of the top targets for terrorist attacks (probably because the forms to classify were not filled out correctly, see earlier comment about being ranked dumbest city).
This is heading towards downtown. To the left is Science Central, a hands-on children's science museum where I used to take my son about every weekend.
This is where my I have had to take my ex for treatment after his surgery. He has been staying with us while recovering and I have been taking him to his appointments. May I never have to visit this place because I am a patient.
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