
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Stoned Picture Frame

These are based on a tutorial over at  Ruffles and Stuff for "Easy Fancy Pants Frames" and we made them previously  here.   They are inexpensive and very easy to make and add panache to a plain frame.

The only thing that is a bit different is I didn't find a frame in pink at the dollar store and used some hot pink spray paint I had on hand.   

  •  Picture frame (with an edge wide enough to hold the stone you are going to glue on
  • Small clear decorative stones
  • Amazing Goop or other strong, clear glue
  • Spray Paint
  • Newspapers

- Put down newspapers

-Spray the frame with paint, allow to dry

-Check for missed spots, spray again, allow to dry

- Position stones on frame then glue down.

-Leave frame flat until glue is dry.

- Place picture in frame and it is ready for gift-giving.

The photo was Walgreens using their free software to create a collage and you can select up to 20 photos for the collage, but I only used 10 for the above.  I ordered it during a promotion and it was free, but the code has now expired.  From time to time they do offer this special and it usually posted on their photo home page.

1 comment:

  1. well this is pretty cute! and i bet it feels nice to run your hands over it too!
