
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Campfire Starter

Easy to make campfire starters from items you normally throw away.

Some former co-workers and I are going to go on an overnight camping trip in July, which is going to be an adventure for me as the closest I have ever been to camping is staying at Motel 6, but I remembered making these at Girl Scout daycamp when I was young and they are useful for starting a campfire.

Items used:
  • -   Toilet Paper Tube
  • -    Dryer Lint
  • -    Scrap paper or Napkin
  • -    String

Stuff the dryer lint inside the toilet paper then wrap the paper or napkin around the toilet paper tube.

Scrunch the ends into the end of each tube and then tie string around the end to secure.

Linking up to:
30 Days of Creativity
Stutt Your Stuff Saturday at Six Sisters Stuff

1 comment:

  1. so you are going camping soon! how exciting. hopefully you are not roughing it for too long! lol. i am not a big camper. one night is plenty! but i hope you guys have a great time!!!
